Israeli Air Raid in Southern Lebanon Injures Three, Confirms Lebanese Ministry of Health

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An Israeli air raid on the town of Khirbet Selem in southern Lebanon left three people slightly injured, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Health. The attack, which occurred on September 8, 2024, heightened tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border.

Israeli Air Raid in Southern Lebanon Leaves Three Slightly Injured, Says Lebanese Ministry of Health

On September 8, 2024, an Israeli air raid targeted the town of Khirbet Selem in southern Lebanon, resulting in three people being slightly injured, according to a statement from the Lebanese Ministry of Health. The raid took place amid escalating tensions in the region, with reports of increased military activity along the Lebanon-Israel border.

The Lebanese Ministry of Health confirmed that the injuries sustained by the three individuals were not life-threatening, and they were promptly treated by local medical services. The specific targets of the air raid and the extent of the damage caused are still being assessed, though reports suggest that several buildings in the area sustained damage.

The town of Khirbet Selem, located near the Lebanese-Israeli border, has been the site of previous clashes and military operations due to its proximity to Hezbollah strongholds. This latest incident adds to the ongoing instability in the region, where cross-border hostilities have periodically flared up.

Both Lebanese and Israeli authorities have not provided further details on the cause of the air raid, and there are concerns that the situation could escalate. The Lebanese government has condemned the strike, while Israeli officials have yet to comment on the operation. As tensions continue, the international community is closely monitoring the developments in southern Lebanon.

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