Elementary School Lockdown in New Britain: Ensuring Student Safety

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An elementary school in New Britain faced a lockdown due to a threatening phone call, prompting swift action by local authorities. Despite no actual threat found, the incident stirred concerns among parents and officials about student safety. With increased police presence and mental health support, the school community strives to recover from the emotional toll of the event.

Elementary School in New Britain Placed in Lockdown

An elementary school in New Britain was put on lockdown on Monday morning after receiving a threatening phone call to the main office, as reported by New Britain Public Schools Superintendent Tony Gasper.

The superintendent confirmed that the New Britain Police Department conducted an investigation and determined that there was no actual threat to Vance Elementary School.

A juvenile was apprehended for allegedly making threats against Bridgeport Public Schools.

Gasper expressed deep concerns for the entire school community, stating that the safety of students and staff remains their top priority. He commended the swift and professional response of the security team and the New Britain Police Department and emphasized the seriousness with which they handle such situations.

Despite the proactive measures taken, Gasper recognized the negative impact these incidents have on students, staff, and families. He emphasized that the disruptions to learning and heightened anxiety caused by lockdowns are unacceptable, stressing that children deserve to feel safe and secure at school and calling for a halt to these incidents.

As a precautionary measure, there will be an increased police presence at Consolidated School District of New Britain schools and additional mental health staff at Vance Elementary School on Tuesday.

Concerned parent Imagine De La Rosa expressed relief that her child was safe amidst the uncertainty of the situation.

Out of the 464 students attending the school, approximately 250 were picked up early following the incident.

Gasper lamented that schools, meant to be places of learning and happiness, were now marred by such events, posing a threat to the trusting relationship between adults and students. He highlighted the lasting impact of such incidents on the school environment.

This incident is part of a series of threats targeting schools across the state in recent weeks. American Bernhardt, Director of the Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation at Western Connecticut State University, stressed the detrimental effects of threats on the mental well-being of school staff and students. He explained how the fear instilled by such incidents can hinder the ability to resume normal activities, such as teaching and learning, after the perceived threat has been deemed non-credible.

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